Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mom, What's this needle doing in my head. AGAIN?

Helping prove the statistics that people spend lots of money on their pets, I continue to get Sundae acupuncture every 3-4 months.  With the scare when my cat sundae quit eating, I want to keep her healthy and happy.  Well happy maybe an overstatement because she's still just a pissy towards her sister. 

Today I brought my neighbor, a future vet, to the appointment.  She was awesome cuddling with Sundae and giving Sundae a spot to curl up into. 

People look at me very strange when I say I'm going to the vet to get my cat acupuncture.  They think I should be terrified of being clawed to death.  I talked in a previous post about the benefits of acupuncture and how Sundae acted and she really doesn't mind it.  She HATES the car ride to the vet but on the way home she is much calmer, quieter and only meows a couple times.

When Dr. Jacquie from Alta Vista Animal Hospital put the first two needles in, Sundae quit purring and Dr. Jacquie said she'd have to turn the purr back on, which was a needle in the forehead. Sure enough, with the needle in the forehead, Sundae started purring again.

So we're at home and Sundae is quite lazy and only hissed at her sister once.  Ahhh, the wonders of acupuncture.  Thanks Dr. Jacquie.

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